Check and Radio
provides nicely styled checkbox.
<input data-dojo-type="havok/form/Checkbox" type="checkbox" checked data-dojo-props=" label:'Checked Enabled', helpMessages: 'this is a checkbox' " /> <input data-dojo-type="havok/form/Checkbox" type="checkbox" data-dojo-props=" label:'Unchecked Enabled', helpMessages: 'this is a checkbox' " /> <input data-dojo-type="havok/form/Checkbox" type="checkbox" checked disabled data-dojo-props=" label:'Checked Disabled', helpMessages: 'this is a checkbox' " /> <input data-dojo-type="havok/form/Checkbox" type="checkbox" disabled data-dojo-props=" label:'Unchecked Disabled', helpMessages: 'this is a checkbox' " />
Button style
Use havok/form/ToggleButton
for a button style checkbox.
<input data-dojo-type="havok/form/ToggleButton" data-dojo-props=" text:'Check Me', label: 'A checkbox', helpMessages: 'this is a button checkbox', value: true " />
Grouped Button style
Use havok/form/CheckboxGroup
for a group of button style checkboxes.
<input data-dojo-type="havok/form/CheckboxGroup" data-dojo-props=" label: 'A checkbox group', helpMessages: 'this is a checkbox group', value: {l: true, m: false, r: true}, store: { data: [ {id: 'l', type: 'button', text: 'left'}, {id: 'm', type: 'button', text: 'middle'}, {id: 'r', type: 'button', text: 'right'} ] } " />
Radio Group
Grouped Button style
Use havok/form/RadioGroup
for a group of button style radios.
<input data-dojo-type="havok/form/RadioGroup" data-dojo-props=" label: 'A radio group', helpMessages: 'this is a radio group', value: 'm', store: { data: [ {id: 'l', type: 'button', text: 'left'}, {id: 'm', type: 'button', text: 'middle'}, {id: 'r', type: 'button', text: 'right'} ] } " />