Getting Started

Overview of Shard

Ready to integrate with any PHP project.

Note: Shard uses some components from the zf2 framework, but it does not need to be used inside the zf2 mvc. Shard is compatible with any php framework or system. However, if you are using the zf2 mvc, you'll probably want the ShardModule which handles installation and configuration for you.

Shard requires php 5.4

Source with Composer

Get the source, and easily manage versioning. This is the recommended way to install.

Add the following to your root composer.json:

require: [
    "zoopcommerce/shard": "~3.0"

Source from Github

Once downloaded, you'll need to run composer in Shard's root directory to install dependencies.

Download Shard source

or gittish people:

git clone

Shard is two things. First it is a system for creating, registering and using extentions that add behaviors to Documented managed by Doctrine Mongo ORM. Secondly, it is has over a dozen rich extensions already bundled to make your development fast, solid, and fun.

Docs sections

Doctrine Config

Detailed information about how configure Doctrine and Shard to work together.


How the Manifest works, which is the core of the extensions system.


The bundled extensions and how they work.


A guide to writing your own Shard extensions for Doctrine Mongo ODM.

Most Shard extensions use annotations to add behaviors to documents.

Update Timestamp

Add the following annotation to a field. Whenever the document is updated, the field will be updated with a timestamp. Eg:

 * @ODM\Timestamp
 * @Shard\Stamp\UpdatedOn
protected $updatedOn;

Soft Delete

To make a document soft deletable, add the following annotation to a field:

 * @ODM\Boolean
 * @Shard\SoftDelete
 * )
protected $softDeleted = false;

Then to Soft delete the document, use the SoftDeleter service:

$softDeleter = $manifest->getServiceManager()->get('softDeleter');

The SoftDeleter service can also be used to restore a document:


Data validation

Use annotations to add a validator to a field. Whenever the document is created or updated, the validators will be checked before the data is persisted.

 * @ODM\String
 * @Shard\Validator\Email
 * )
protected $email;

All the validators in the Mystique validator library are supported, including validator chains. Eg:

 * @ODM\String
 * @Shard\Validator\Chain({
 *     @Shard\Validator\Required,
 *     @Shard\Validator\Email
 * })
 * )
protected $email;

Access Control

Shard supports adding fine grained role based access control to documents. Eg, give all guest users read access, and admins complete control:

 * @ODM\Document
 * @Shard\AccessControl({
 *     @Shard\Permission\Basic(roles="guest", allow="read")
 *     @Shard\Permission\Basic(roles="admin", allow="*")
 * })
class Simple {...}

Dive into the docs for detailed instructions...